Enjoy the beauty of our mixed carnation bouquet, which has beautiful red, white, light pink, and fuchsia pink carnation flowers. This colorful flower arrangement is a lovely gift that will make anyone happy and show off your style. Our flower shop has low prices, so the bunch of roses will not break the bank. You can send a lovely bunch of carnations to someone in Pasig City, Metro Manila, with one click, thanks to our fast and friendly service. When you need flower delivery, you can trust our gift shop. Our roses are fresh and beautiful.


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Send this beautiful bunch of carnations to someone to make their day better. The flowers have been carefully designed to bring a lot of color and happiness. This bouquet is perfect for any event because it combines classic charm with modern beauty. It would make a great gift for someone you care about or a lovely addition to your home decor.
Product Details:
  • Flowers Included: 3 Red Carnations, 2 White Carnations, 2 Light Pink Carnations, 2 Fuchsia Pink Carnations
  • Wrapper: High-quality Kraft paper for a rustic and elegant look
  • Ribbon: Elegant red ribbon that adds a touch of sophistication
  • Filler Leaves (FL): Misty Blue, Rosal
Each flower is carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and freshness, providing a delightful visual treat that captures the essence of beauty and affection. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to bring a smile to someone's face, this Elegant Carnation Bouquet is the perfect choice.

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