Send your deepest feelings with our beautiful Fondness bouquet of red carnations. These bright red flowers are perfect for any event and stand for love and respect. Our beautifully made carnation flower arrangement will win hearts, whether it's a Valentine's Day gift or a special surprise. Our love carnation bouquet is perfect for flower delivery in Imus and the nearby areas. It will make sure that your feelings are beautifully expressed. Feel the joy of giving with our beautiful bunch of carnations, which have been carefully put together to make an impact that will last. If you want a perfect red carnation delivery in the Philippines, choose Fondness. They will bring love and smiles to Tanay City, Rizal. Place your order now, and our flowers will show how much you love them.


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Introducing an eye-catching bouquet that captures the spirit of Filipino culture. This beautiful arrangement, carefully made with great care, is perfect for sharing your deepest feelings. It is sure to make someone's day, whether you're enjoying a special event or just wanting to make them smile.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Red Carnations
  • Wrapper: Kraft & Jute
  • Ribbon: Red with Kraft
  • Filler Flowers (FL): Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
This beautiful bouquet, great for any event, shows off the beauty and skill of the Filipino flower industry.

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