Give a more thoughtful gift with our stunning Surprise Delight Flower carnation Bouquet, made just for people who love beauty and luxury. This bouquet is great for any event because it combines the bright beauty of mixed flowers with the appealing sweetness of Ferrero Rocher candies. Soft, misty blue fillers surround it.
Product Details:
Flowers: 9 stems of mixed carnations, radiating in hues of red, pink, and white.
Chocolates: 6 pieces of Ferrero Rocher.
Fillers: Misty blue fillers
Parcel Dimensions: 12.7 cm (L) x 12.7 cm (W) x 12.7 cm (H)
Enjoy the pleasure of giving with our Surprise Delight Flower Bouquet, which is made to show how you feel stylishly and sophisticatedly. It is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other event where showing love and respect is important.