Our 'A Wonderful Day' Red Carnations Box Arrangement will make any event memorable. This beautiful set was carefully assembled by hand and has bright red carnation flowers that stand for love and respect. It is ideal for showing how you feel, whether for a love move or to make someone's day in Bahay-Toro-Balingasa, Quezon City. Each box is carefully assembled to give off an air of class and charm, like a bouquet of full-blooming flowers. Free same-day delivery is available in Bahay-Toro-Balingasa, Quezon City, so your thoughtful gift will get to the right person on time. Give our beautiful red carnation flower box as a surprise to your loved ones on Valentine's Day or any other special day.

A Wonderful Day

Buy and earn 1699 philflora.com coins

₱2199.00 ( $ 42.66 )

₱ 1699.00 ( $ 32.96 )


Shipping Charge

₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )



Delivery Province

Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

Parcel Dimension :

Add Ons Products


Our beautiful bright red flowers and decadent Ferrero Rocher candies will surely please Filipino loved ones. This thoughtful gift is perfect for any event and will show how much you care.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 9 stems of fresh red carnations
  • Chocolates: 6 pieces of Ferrero Rocher chocolates
  • Fillers: Misty blue accents for a touch of elegance
  • Parcel Dimensions: 12.7 cm (L) x 12.7 cm (W) x 12.7 cm (H)
This carefully made bouquet is presented in a way that speaks directly to Filipino culture's love for flowers and sweets. It's a great way to show your love, appreciation, or apology.

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