After Some Time: Exquisite Mixed Flower Bouquet for Every Occasion

Our "After Some Time" mixed flower bouquet is now available for flower bouquet delivery in Laurel City. It's the perfect gift for any event. There are bright red carnations, pink gerberas, and yellow mums in this beautiful bouquet of flowers. Together, they make a stunning show that feels like joy and celebration. These flowers are meant to make a long impact and would look great in a wedding bouquet or to make someone's day better. Our carefully chosen mixed flower designs bring out the best in each bloom, making for a truly beautiful flower experience. If you want to send a thoughtful gift, plan a special event, or want some mixed bouquets to make your day better, this arrangement of flowers is sure to please. Place your order now for flower delivery in Laurel City, Batangas, Philippines. This beautiful mixed flower arrangement is sure to make your loved one smile.

After Some Time

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₱2350.00 ( $ 45.59 )

1699.00 ( $ 32.96 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Celebrate the important times with the After Some Time flower, which was inspired by Filipino art and is sure to make anyone's day better. This bouquet is beautifully put together and has a mix of classic and bright flowers. It's great for showing love, thanks, or just happiness.
  • Flowers: 5 Red Carnations, 1 Fuchsia Pink Gerbera, Yellow Mums
  • Wrapping: Kraft paper for a rustic and elegant look
  • Ribbon: Tied with a bold red ribbon to complement the flower hues
  • Filler: Accented with Rosal flowers for a touch of fragrance and beauty
This bunch of bright red flowers, happy gerberas, and sunny yellow mums sends a loving message, whether it's to celebrate an anniversary, thank a friend, or wish them well. It's wrapped in brown paper and tied with a red ribbon, which captures the spirit of natural beauty and deep feelings. This flower makes every moment special, even after a while. It can be sent anywhere in the Philippines.

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