The Allusive Mixed Bouquet is a beautiful design that brings the love and joy of Filipino gatherings to any event. These lovely flowers are in this bouquet:
Sunflowers: 3 radiant blooms, symbolizing happiness and positivity.
Pink Gerberas: 5 charming flowers, representing joy and admiration.
Wrapping: Elegant Black and Gold, creating a sophisticated backdrop.
Ribbons: Gold with Black/Gold KW, adding a touch of luxury.
Finishing Touches: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal, enhancing the bouquet's beauty with a fresh, aromatic flair.
This bouquet was carefully put together with a variety of colors and textures to show how you feel and to celebrate important events. It's perfect for giving as a gift and shows that you have good taste and appreciate beautiful flower arrangements. The Allusive Mixed Bouquet is a great way to make an impact and is perfect for any Filipino event.