Our beautiful "Althea" bouquet has 24 mixed tulips in bright shades of pink, red, yellow, and orange, making any event more cheerful. Wrapped in beautiful purple and gold, this stunning design has a striking red ribbon with purple and gold accents. With its dreamy blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers, the "Althea" bouquet is the perfect mix of colors and textures to show how you feel or celebrate a special event.
Tulip Variety: 24 mixed tulips (pink, red, yellow, orange) for a vibrant look
Elegant Wrap: Purple and gold wrapping adds sophistication
Ribbon Accent: Red ribbon complemented with purple and gold
Finishing Touches: Includes misty blue flowers, eucalyptus, and rosal for added beauty
Versatile Gift: Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because