Make someone's day better with the Angelic Mixed Bouquet, a beautiful design made to amaze and please. Three bright sunflowers and five pretty pink gerberas make up this beautiful bouquet, which is the perfect mix of elegance and happiness.
Flowers: 3 Sunflowers, 5 Pink Gerberas
Wrapping: Kraft & Jute
Ribbon: Red
Finishing Touches: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal
The Angelic Mixed Bouquet brings love and joy and was made with a special touch for the Filipino community. It's a great choice for any event. This bouquet is sure to make a lasting impact, whether you're enjoying a special event or just wanting to spread happiness. Enjoy the beauty of this bouquet, which will make your loved ones feel special thanks to its bright colors and thoughtful presentation. The Angelic Mixed Bouquet adds a bit of happiness and beauty to any space, making it perfect for giving as a gift or making your own space look better.