The Apollo bouquet is a beautiful design that stands for love and life. It will make your special someone's day better. Our skilled florists made this charming box by hand. It has bright sunflowers, happy mums, and pretty misty blue fillers. This one-of-a-kind gift is perfect for showing how you feel and will make your loved one smile.
Hand-Arranged Design: Expertly crafted by our florists to ensure a beautiful presentation.
Sunflowers & Mums: Radiant sunflowers paired with vibrant mums for a joyful bouquet.
Misty Blue Fillers: Adds a touch of elegance and sophistication.
Compact Size: Dimensions - 12.7 cm x 12.7 cm x 12.7 cm, ideal for any space.
Symbol of Love & Longevity: Perfect for celebrating enduring affection.
The Apollo flower bouquet is a beautiful choice for people who want to say how they feel in a way that will be remembered. It's a unique gift that shows how much you care and love them because of its bright and happy design. Buy this beautiful arrangement right now at PhilFlora and send it to someone you care about to make their day truly unique