Beautiful Petals | Mixed Roses & Stargazer Bouquet 

Our Beautiful Petals bouquet will make your special day even better. It's a beautiful mix of simple beauty and bright charm. This beautiful bouquet has classic red roses and soft pink stargazer lilies, making a stunning show that's great for any event, from weddings to birthdays. The mixed roses give the flowers a classic beauty, and the star lily flowers give them a touch of class. When you send flower gifts to Batangas City, our stargazer and roses package is one of the best options because it has both beautiful stargazer lilies and red roses. Our Beautiful Petals bouquet is sure to surprise and please, whether you're looking for a mixed flower arrangement or a bunch of flowers to make someone's day. Celebrate the important events in your life with this beautiful flower arrangement sent right to your door.

Beautiful Petals

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The stunning beauty of our "Beautiful Petals" bouquet will make any event more special. The twelve rich red roses in this beautiful arrangement look stunning with the single stem of bright pink Stargazer lilies.
  • Flowers: 1 Stem Pink Stargazer, 12 Red Roses
  • Wrap: Maroon with White KW
  • Ribbon: Red
  • Finishing Touches: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal Flowers
The bright pink Stargazer and deep red roses make for a striking visual appeal, and the maroon and white wrapping adds a touch of class. The bright flowers look great with the red ribbon, and the misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal finish gives it a soft, natural charm. "Beautiful Petals" is a beautiful choice for any party or special occasion because it lets you show how you really feel.

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