The Beautiful Shape Tulips Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement of 24 mixed tulips that will impress any Filipino recipient with its bright colors and classy style. These pink, red, yellow, and orange tulips are a great way to show love, respect, or praise. It also makes people feel happy and bright. For a natural look, the tulips are wrapped in Kraft and Jute. Misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers add color, and a bright red ribbon finishes off the look. This flower would make someone's day, whether it's for a special event or just because.
24 mixed tulips in pink, red, yellow, and orange
Wrapped in Kraft and Jute
Accented with misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal
Finished with a red ribbon
This eye-catching bouquet is a beautiful and thoughtful gesture, perfect for gifting in the Philippines to make any occasion unforgettable.