Our Fresh Mixed Carnation Love Box will help you enjoy the beauty of a blissful morning. This beautiful flower arrangement is made up of bright pink carnations, beautiful red carnations, and pretty white carnations, making a lovely bunch. A lovely mix of carnation flowers will make someone's day with this cheap flower delivery in Tagaytay. It's perfect for any event, even Father's Day. If you want a pink carnation bouquet or a bunch of different colored carnations, our Mixed Carnation Love Box is the best choice. Place your order now and enjoy the pleasure of giving our beautiful carnation flower bouquet to your loved ones in Tagaytay.

Blissful Morning

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₱2050.00 ( $ 39.77 )

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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )



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Metro Manila

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*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Our beautiful Mixed Carnation Love Box lets you feel the beauty of deep feelings. Because it was made just for flower lovers in the Philippines, this beautiful arrangement is a great way to send love, thank you, or good luck. Our skilled flowers arrange each box by hand, giving it a personal touch that will make anyone happy.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 stems of mixed carnations
  • Fillers: Misty blue
  • Arrangement: Hand-arranged by professional florists
  • Parcel Dimensions: 11.43 cm (L) x 11.43 cm (W) x 11.43 cm (H)
  • Occasions: Ideal for expressing love, gratitude, and luck
Our Mixed Carnation Love Box is the perfect way to show someone how much you care, whether you are enjoying a special event or want to make their day.

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