Our "Bond of Love" Arrangement is a beautiful mix of happy grace and sweet treat that will make someone's day better. This beautiful bouquet was put together by hand by our skilled designer and includes 9 bright orange gerberas, which are known for their brilliant beauty and lively charm. Six pieces of Ferrero Rocher candies go with these flowers to make the gift a little more fancy and sweet.
Product Details:
Arrangement: 9 stems of orange gerberas
Included: 6 Ferrero Rocher chocolates
Parcel Dimensions: 12.7 cm x 12.7 cm x 12.7 cm
This stylish design is a sincere way to show thanks, celebrate a job well done, or bring happiness. Because it's small, it can be used for both delivery and show, making sure that your act of kindness is both beautiful and remembered. The Arrangement is a great way to make an impact that will last. It has bright colors and tasty candies. Its flower beauty and delicious treats are sure to please and amaze, making it a thoughtful and impressive gift.