Bouquet of Emotions | Stargazer & Roses Bouquet in PH

The Bouquet of Emotions, a beautiful arrangement of Stargazer and Roses meant to touch the heart, is the perfect mix of style and emotion. This design combines two of nature's most beautiful flowers: bright pink Stargazer lilies, which are also known as the Star Lily Flower, and classic red roses. It makes a beautiful marriage bouquet or bride flowers and is perfect for special events like weddings or birthdays. Each stem is carefully placed to make a beautiful mixed flower design that stands for love and care. This bouquet is great for any occasion, whether you're enjoying love or making memories that will last a lifetime. Let your feelings show when you order this beautiful mixed bouquet for flower delivery in Alitagtag City, Batangas. Our mixed flower arrangements will make your events more special by adding the beauty of nature to every special moment.

Bouquet of Emotions

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₱3450.00 ( $ 66.92 )

2599.00 ( $ 50.42 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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The Bouquet of Emotions is an emotional arrangement that will help you say what you really feel. This beautiful bouquet has 12 passionate red roses and a stunning pink Stargazer lily. It's great for showing love, respect, or thanks. A striking red ribbon ties the flowers together. The flowers are wrapped in natural burlap, which gives them a touch that is both earthy and elegant. With its dreamy blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers, this bouquet exudes grace and charm, making sure that every feeling is felt.
  • 1 stem pink Stargazer lily
  • 12 red roses
  • Wrapped in Burlap CH
  • Red ribbon
  • Finished with misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers
This bouquet is full of love and sincerity, which makes it a great gift for any event that needs to make people feel something.

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