Our "Close To My Heart" carnation flower bouquet is the best way to show how much you care and love someone. We have what you need, whether it's a simple carnation bouquet, a beautiful wedding bouquet made of carnations, or a bright bunch of carnations for any event. This arrangement we made with pink, red, and white carnations, which are perfect for wedding bouquets or just for fun. Our reliable flower and gift shop can send flowers the same day, so you can be sure they will get to you on time in Pasay City. The flower arrangement we made for you is beautiful and will make any event more elegant. You can get beautiful mixed carnation bouquets from Close To My Heart that will make any day better.

Close To My Heart

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The charm and grace of our beautiful flower arrangement are meant to win hearts and make events more special. Our arrangement was carefully and precisely made. It features the classic beauty of flowers.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 3 Red, 3 White, 2 Light Pink & 2 Fuchsia Pink Carnations.
  • Wrappers: White; R: Gold w/ Black/Gold KW. 
  • FL: Misty Blue & Rosal
Elevate your gifting experience and make a lasting impression with this exquisite floral arrangement, perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions on any special occasion.

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