Delicate Stargazer Bouquet | Pink Stargazer for Special Gift

Sending the Delicate Stargazer Bouquet is a classy way of showing love and respect. This beautiful design, including the lovely Lilium stargazer flower, is perfect for any event, whether a surprise or a happy birthday. The stunning pink stargazer blooms with bright color and a sweet scent, making this bouquet a gift that will be remembered forever. A luxury stargazer lily flower made from hand-picked Lilium oriental stargazer stems speaks volumes of grace and charm. If you want to send stargazer lilies to Pasig City, this plan guarantees fresh flowers on the same day. This bouquet is fabulous for any event because of its bright pink stargazer flowers. Want to know how much the stargazer flower costs? This stargazer flower arrangement is a great deal, which is why many people choose to give it as a gift. The beauty of a stargazer flower can't be beat, and it's great for all your special occasions.

Delicate Stargazer Bouquet

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₱2399.00 ( $ 46.54 )

1850.00 ( $ 35.89 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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The Delicate Stargazer Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement meant to warm the heart. It has soft pink stargazers and other flowers that give a warm and elegant vibe. People who want to show love, respect, or deep feelings will love this flower. Wrapped in burlap and topped with pretty misty blue and rosal flowers, it's a classy choice for any event or to make someone's day better.
  • 6 Pink Stargazer Lilies
  • Wrapped in Burlap CH
  • Red Ribbon Accents
  • Finished with Misty Blue and Rosal Flowers
This bouquet was carefully put together to add a bit of elegance to your loved one's day and make a lasting impression. With its grace and beauty, the Delicate Stargazer Bouquet is the best way to say what you want.

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