Our Radiant Orange Gerbera Bouquet is a beautiful design with a bit of Filipino charm that will make someone's day better. This bunch contains ten beautiful orange gerbera flowers, each representing happiness and respect. It looks nice and classy because it is wrapped in beautiful brown paper with a traditional red accent. The misty blue and rose-colored ribbons that finish off this culturally inspired piece give it a delicate, new look.
Key Features:
Vibrant Orange Gerbera Daisies: 10 Orange Gerbera Daisies.
Elegant Kraft Wrapping: Classic kraft paper for rustic look.
Stylish Red Accents: A pop of red for added warmth and elegance.
Delicate Ribbon Touches: Misty blue and rosal ribbons.
You can send this flower to celebrate a special event, say sorry, or make someone's day better. Enjoy the beauty of Filipino culture with this stunning flower design that combines old-fashioned and modern styles. This carefully made bouquet will make an impact that lasts. It's perfect for expressing deep emotions and adding a splash of color to any event. Ideal for people who enjoy the beauty of bright flowers and traditional style.