Our Vibrant Elegance bouquet is a beautiful creation that will make any event more beautiful. It has 10 bright orange Gerbera daisies, which are known for their happy and lively colors.
Flowers: 10 fresh, radiant orange Gerbera daisies
Wrapping: Elegant black and gold wrapping with gold accent
Ribbon: Gold ribbon with black and gold detailing
Additional Details: Misty Blue and Rosal floral accents
This flower adds a splash of color and happiness to any event or party. It is perfect for showing love and and thanks or for making someone smile. Make a lasting impact with this lovely arrangement, which was carefully put together.
The beautiful design and bright colors of this bouquet make it a great choice for people who want to celebrate in style and make a lasting impact. It is perfect for the Philippine market, as it has both classic and current styles.