Our Garden Scent's bright Carnation Flower Collection is perfect for a party. Pick from a wide range of pink, red, and white flowers that have been skillfully put together into beautiful bouquets that are great for any event. Our flower shop delivers flowers all over Marikina on the same day, so your thoughtful gift will get there on time. Our carnation blooms are both beautiful and affordable, making them perfect for a wedding or a kind gift. Each arrangement is carefully made to show off the classic beauty of flowers. Check out our gift shop for simple flower bunches like carnations that will beautifully show how you feel. Trust our beautiful flower service that goes above and beyond.

Garden Scent

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Our beautiful bunch of carnation flowers in bright colors will take your gift-giving to the next level. This flower is great for any event, from birthdays to weddings, because it has:
  • Flowers: bunch of 10 Red, White, Light Pink, and Fuchsia Pink Carnations
  • Wrapper: Maroon
  • Ribbon: Red with White "KW" monogram
  • Filler: Misty Blue and Rosal
This bouquet is an emotional expression of love and respect because each flower was carefully chosen to make sure it was fresh and beautiful.

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