Genuine Coziness | Red & Pink Tulips Bouquet Free Delivery

Enjoy the beauty of a bunch of red and pink tulips, which are the perfect mix of passion and charm. This tulip wedding bouquet is ideal for any event because it has a beautiful mix of red flowers, which stand for love, and pink, more delicate flowers. Whether you enjoy a special occasion or want to make someone's day, this beautiful bunch of Cardona tulips will show how you feel. Enjoy the ease of flower delivery in the Philippines, and let the beauty of tulips make your loved ones happy.

Genuine Coziness

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₱6350.00 ( $ 123.18 )

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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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The Genuine Coziness flower is a way to show love, warmth, and respect. This beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers is meant to show how you feel while being elegant. The bright and soft beauty of red and pink tulips makes them perfect for any event, from loving moves to thoughtful gifts. The rustic finish, made of paper and jute, adds a touch of natural beauty. Misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers give it a stylish look.
  • 12 stems of fresh red tulips
  • 12 stems of fresh pink tulips
  • Wrapped in kraft and jute for a rustic look
  • Red ribbon for a striking contrast
  • Finished with misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers
Surprise your loved ones with this cozy and vibrant bouquet, perfect for creating lasting memories.

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