This Gorgeous Glowing Gerbera bouquet is sure to make someone's day better. Ten mixed Gerberas in bright colors like red, yellow, orange, white, and pink make up this beautiful design. On top of that, the bouquet is wrapped in pure white paper and tied with a pretty pink ribbon with red keywork on it. Misty Blue and Rosal flowers are added in small amounts to give it a classy and sweet finish.
10 Mixed Gerberas: Red, yellow, orange, white, and pink flowers.
White Wrapping: Provides a clean and elegant backdrop..
Pink Ribbon with Maroon Keywork: Adds a touch of refinement.
Misty Blue & Rosal Flowers: These additions enhance the bouquet.
Think about how happy your loved one will be when they receive the gorgeous glowing gerbera bouquet. Whether you're wishing someone a happy birthday or anniversary or just saying, "I'm thinking of you," this bright arrangement is a great way to add color and happiness to their life. Place your order now, and Gerberas will add even more beauty to your special times.