Our Happy Ending bouquet is sure to make someone's day better with its bright beauty and heartfelt design. There is a beautiful pink Stargazer flower in this bouquet, which stands for wealth and desire. It is surrounded by a perfect mix of yellow, white, and purple mums, each color adding its own touch of happiness and joy. The bouquet is finished with a bright red bow that adds a touch of love and passion. It is wrapped in natural burlap PH for a look that is both rustic and classy. With its soft rosal and misty blue flowers, this bouquet is truly elegant and lovely, making it a great gift for any event.
Pink Stargazer Lily: 1 stem
Chrysanthemums: Yellow, white, and purple
Wrapping: Abaca Burlap PH for a rustic appeal
Ribbon: Red for a pop of color
Fillers: Misty blue and rosal for added elegance
For birthdays, anniversaries, or to say "I'm thinking of you," the Happy Ending bouquet is the perfect way to show how you feel with a touch of Filipino culture and love. Place your order now to make someone's day!