Celebrate any event with our beautiful Happy Stems Mixed Carnation Flower Bouquet. There are light pink carnations, red carnations, and white carnations in this beautiful bouquet. It would add a touch of elegance to any event. Our hand-made bunches of carnations are perfect for weddings, birthdays, or to make someone's day better. Our same-day delivery service makes it easy for you to get your fresh flowers quickly. In addition, our flower shop delivers flowers to Marikina City and other parts of Metro Manila and is known for its beautiful carnation bouquets. Happy Stems can serve all of your flower needs, and they can help you send the right bunch of carnations for any event.

Happy Stems

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₱1899.00 ( $ 36.84 )

1499.00 ( $ 29.08 )


Shipping Charge

₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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deliveryDelivery Province

Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Check out our beautiful Surprise Elegance Bouquet, which is made to add style and joy to any event. This bouquet is a great way to celebrate a special occasion or send your deepest condolences.
  • Flowers: Bunch of 10 Red, White, Light Pink, and Fuchsia Pink Carnations
  • Wrapper: Blue/Silver, adding a touch of elegance and charm
  • Ribbon: Blue with Blue/Silver accents, enhancing the bouquet's presentation
  • Floral Accent: Misty Blue and Rosal, providing a gentle contrast and unique appeal
The Surprise Elegance Bouquet is a delightful mix of color and style that is sure to leave a lasting impact. It's perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or to make someone's day better.

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