Our beautiful, Vibrant, Mixed Gerbera Bouquet will make any event more beautiful. This lovely arrangement has 10 fresh gerberas in bright shades of red, yellow, white, and pink. It's the perfect way to add some color and happiness to your day.
Product Details:
Flowers: 10 Mixed Gerberas (red, yellow, white, pink)
Wrap: Blue/Silver
Ribbons: Blue with Blue/Silver accents
Floral Elements: Misty Blue & Rosal
Gerberas' bright colors make a flower that is lively and happy, great for any event. This bouquet adds a bit of class and grace. It is wrapped in stylish blue and silver ribbons and has small flowers added to match. Each flower is chosen by hand to make sure it is fresh and looks beautiful for a long time.
This bouquet is sure to make a lasting impact, whether you're enjoying a special event or want to make someone's day better. Ideal for the flower market in the Philippines, it's a great way to make any event more joyful. Place your order now, and this lovely arrangement will bring happiness and cheer to the people you care about.