The Impressive Glow bouquet is a beautiful way to celebrate life's special times. It's especially great for Filipino parties. This beautiful arrangement combines the pure beauty of white flowers with lush grass to make a peaceful and classy show. It's a beautiful way to show how you feel, whether it's for a birthday, wedding, or any other important event.
Flowers: 1 stem of white Stargazer, 6 white roses, 3 white carnations, and vibrant green mums
Wrapping: Luxurious blue and silver wrapping
Ribbon: Blue ribbon with blue/silver Korean wrapping accents
Filler Flowers: Misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal
This bouquet was put together with care and shows purity and grace, making it a beautiful gift for any event. Sending the Impressive Glow gift to your loved ones in the Philippines will leave a lasting impact. Each beautiful flower will show how much you love and appreciate them.