Our beautiful collection of fresh red carnation flowers will help you fall in love with carnations. These bright flowers are perfect for any event and stand for love and respect. Our carnation bouquets are a beautiful way to show how you feel, whether it's for a party or just because. You can easily have flowers delivered in General Mariano Alvarez, Cavite, Philippines, and we'll make sure they get there on time and in perfect shape. For a sweet touch, choose our red carnation bouquet. It's perfect for Valentine's Day or any other time you want to show your love. Enjoy the beauty of flowers with our high-end designs, which are made to make everyone in the Philippines happy and stylish.

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Hello and welcome to the lively world of PhilFlora Filipino flower art. Each flower has a story to tell about beauty and love. Our beautiful bunch of 10 red carnations are made so that each flower can express deep feelings. This flower is the perfect mix of tradition and luxury. It is wrapped in beautiful white paper and has a striking red ribbon with maroon accents.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Red Carnations
  • Wrapper: White
  • Ribbon: Red with Maroon KW
  • Foliage: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
This set is a beautiful example of Filipino flower art. It's meant to say sorry, love, thanks, or any other heartfelt message with grace and style. Whether you're enjoying a special event or want to say sorry, our flowers will get your message across with the greatest style.

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