Our 10 Red Carnations bouquet is always classy, and the way it's wrapped in Burlap PH gives it an earthy charm that speaks of Filipino custom. Each flower is carefully picked for its bright color and lasting beauty, which makes them a perfect way to show how you feel. This flower is a beautiful way to show how you feel, whether it's for a birthday, a wedding, or to say thank you.
Product Details:
Flowers: 10 Red Carnations
Wrapper: Burlap PH
Ribbon: Red
Foliage: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal leaves add a delicate and fragrant scent to the flower and make it look better. This bouquet catches the spirit of Filipino craftsmanship and loving giving practices. It was carefully chosen for people who value the beauty of flower arrangements.