Get lost in the delicate beauty of our "Late Night Talks" bouquet, a stunning arrangement made just for Filipino parties. What's in this bouquet:
1 Stem White Stargazer: A symbol of refined elegance and grace.
6 White Roses: Pure and timeless, representing love and admiration.
3 White Carnations: Gentle and classic, adding a touch of softness.
Green Mums: Vibrant accents to enhance the bouquet's charm.
This bouquet is finished with a charming touch of misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers, making a balanced mix of colors and textures. It is wrapped in homemade cotton CH and decorated with ribbons.
This "Late Night Talks" flower bouquet is perfect for any event that needs a touch of class and comfort. Its classic yet modern style captures the spirit of celebration. With this beautiful flower design, you can make your moments last a lifetime.