Late Night Talks | White Mix Bouquet | #1 Local Florist 

Our "Late Night Talks" flower bouquet is a classy way to mark important events. Beautiful white stargazer lilies, white roses, white flowers, and bright green mums make up this bouquet, which is perfect for any event. This mixed flower arrangement is sure to impress, whether you're giving it as a thoughtful welcome gift or to mark a big achievement. Our mixed bouquets have the classic beauty of white roses and carnations, the brightness of green mums, and the beauty of white stargazers. Our local florists can send flower bouquets to General Mariano Alvarez City, Cavite, making it easy for you to enjoy them. This white mixed bouquet is a lovely way to wish someone a happy birthday or celebrate a special occasion in your life.

Late Night Talks

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₱3050.00 ( $ 59.16 )

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Get lost in the delicate beauty of our "Late Night Talks" bouquet, a stunning arrangement made just for Filipino parties. What's in this bouquet:
  • 1 Stem White Stargazer: A symbol of refined elegance and grace.
  • 6 White Roses: Pure and timeless, representing love and admiration.
  • 3 White Carnations: Gentle and classic, adding a touch of softness.
  • Green Mums: Vibrant accents to enhance the bouquet's charm.
This bouquet is finished with a charming touch of misty blue, eucalyptus, and rosal flowers, making a balanced mix of colors and textures. It is wrapped in homemade cotton CH and decorated with ribbons.
This "Late Night Talks" flower bouquet is perfect for any event that needs a touch of class and comfort. Its classic yet modern style captures the spirit of celebration. With this beautiful flower design, you can make your moments last a lifetime.

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