Our "Lovely Gesture" bouquet, which is made up of beautiful purple carnations flowers, will help you celebrate in style and class. This beautiful arrangement is perfect for birthdays and shows the beauty of carnations, which stand for love and respect. Our flower service in Bacoor, Cavite, makes sure that you get fresh flowers on time, whether you're shocking someone or marking a special event. Our online flower shop specializes in making moments last a lifetime with beautiful purple carnation bunches and thoughtful gifts. Our carefully made arrangements will bring joy and smiles to people all over Bacoor with your warmest good wishes. Check out our choices today and add a sweet touch of love and care to every birthday to make it memorable.

Lovely Gesture

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Surprise the people you care about with our beautiful bunch of 10 Purple Carnations. It's the perfect way to show how you feel. This bouquet is more than just flowers; it's a sign of love and respect. It comes in a rustic but classy Kraft & Jute bag and is tied with a bright red ribbon.
  • Flowers: 10 Purple Carnations
  • Wrapper: Kraft & Jute
  • Ribbon: Red
  • Foliage: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal
Our bouquet combines elegance with a bit of country charm, making it a memorable gift that will be treasured. It's perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other time you want to make an impact that lasts.

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