This beautiful bouquet is the perfect mix of bright colors and classy charm. It's meant to make a strong statement. The bright daisy in the middle stands for power and happiness. A mix of green, purple, and white mums looks great with it and gives the design more depth and unity. The bouquet is wrapped in fancy purple and gold Korean paper, and it's finished off with a pretty pink ribbon that has purple and gold accents. Misty blue and rosal flowers add a soft, fragrant layer to the top of this bouquet, making it a one-of-a-kind gift for someone strong and graceful.
1 Sunflower
Mixed Mums in Green, Purple, and White
Purple/Gold Korean Wrapping
Pink Ribbon with Purple/Gold Accents
Misty Blue & Rosal Flowers
Giving this bouquet to someone who stands tall and handles problems with grace is the best way to show your love and respect.