Our "Mixed and Matched" bouquet is a delightful arrangement made for the lively Filipino spirit. It has the perfect balance of colors and textures. The bright sunflower in the middle of this bouquet represents happiness and good fortune. It is surrounded by a beautiful mix of green, purple, and white chrysanthemums, which stand for life, love, and purity, respectively. The red bow adds a touch of class to the bouquet, which is wrapped in rough brown paper that makes it look cute and natural. This bouquet is finished off with misty blue filling and soft Rosal flowers that give it a soft touch and a light scent.
1 radiant sunflower
Mixed chrysanthemums in green, purple, and white
Misty blue fillers and Rosal flowers
Rustic kraft paper wrap
Elegant red ribbon
Filipinos traditionally use bright flowers to mark important events in their lives, and this bunch is a beautiful example of that custom. "Mixed and Matched" is a fantastic song that will make anyone smile and cheer up their day.