The "Mixed Feelings" bouquet is a colorful and dramatic creation meant to show how different people feel at different times in their lives. This bouquet is perfect for Filipino events because it has a beautiful mix of flowers that show love, warmth, and a bit of elegance.
Main Flower: 1 Sunflower
Secondary Flowers: Mixed Mums in Green, Purple, and White
Wrap: Burlap Covering
Ribbon: Red Accent
Filler Flowers: Misty Blue & Rosal
You can brighten someone's day, celebrate a milestone, or just let them know how you feel with this carefully chosen flower. Mum's soft colors and the warm colors of the sunflower make a beautiful contrast. A rustic burlap wrap and a bright red ribbon tie the whole thing together. There are times when words aren't enough to describe how someone feels, and the "Mixed Feelings" bouquet is the right way to say it.