Our Bouquet will make someone's day better. It's a beautiful mix of happiness and class based on Filipino culture. This lovely design features ten bright yellow gerberas, each representing happiness and good luck. With a striking red ribbon, this Bouquet is a beautiful mix of traditional charm and modern style. It is wrapped in rough burlap. With its soft sprigs of sky blue and rosal, this flower gives off a clean and peaceful vibe.
10 Yellow Gerberas: Symbolizing joy and positivity.
Burlap Wrap: Adds a rustic and traditional touch.
Red Ribbon: Provides a striking contrast and elegant finish.
Misty Blue & Rosal: Adds delicate accents for a harmonious look.
This bouquet, made with love and care, reflects the rich cultural history of the Philippines. It's more than just a gift; it's an event that will make your loved ones feel warm, happy, and proud. Place your order now, and let the Sunlit Serenity Bouquet bring you joy and light.