Bring your emotional message to a higher level with the Radiant Red Harmony Bouquet, a beautiful design that combines desire and class. Three beautiful red roses and three red carnations make up this bouquet. The bright and happy yellow and green mums make it even better. Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal add a soft touch to this bouquet, which makes it a truly engaging gift. It's the perfect way to show how you feel, whether you're enjoying love, friendship, or just making someone's day better. It's wrapped in eco-friendly brown paper and tied with a red ribbon.
Flowers: 3 Red Roses, 3 Red Carnations, Yellow & Green Mums
Fillers: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, Rosal
Wrap: Kraft Paper
Ribbon: Red
This beautiful bouquet is sure to make an impression, whether you're giving it as a love gift or a happy surprise.