Our "My Pleasant Surprise" pink gerbera bouquet will make someone's special day better. This beautiful, inexpensive bouquet of gerbera daisies is perfect for birthdays and will be remembered for a long time. Order now and get cheap gerberas sent to San Juan City in Metro Manila, Philippines. This gerbera flower bunch is a great gift because it comes from our flower shop and is guaranteed to be fresh and bright. Our flower delivery service is reliable, so your loved ones will get their gerbera gift on time. We offer the best flower delivery service in the Philippines. Pick "My Pleasant Surprise" for a sweet and inexpensive gift.

My Pleasant Surprise

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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

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*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Our beautiful bunch of fuschia pink gerbera daisies is sure to make someone's day better. This bouquet is beautiful and perfect for any event. It is wrapped in stylish burlap for a natural touch. The bright pink flowers are set off by misty blue and rosal highlights that make the color scheme more delicate.
Product Details: 
  • Flowers: 10 Fuschia Pink Gerbera daisies
  • Wrap: Burlap for a charming rustic appeal
  • Ribbon: Red ribbon adds a festive touch
  • Floral Accents: Misty Blue and Rosal for a nuanced look
Show how much you admire them with a gift that says it all. Our Fuschia Pink Gerbera bouquet is a great choice for flower lovers because it's great for birthdays, parties, or to make someone's day better.

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