Our "Precious One" purple carnation bouquet is a beautiful way to celebrate in style and grace. It's great for any event. This bouquet was carefully made by hand and has bright purple flowers that stand for appreciation and thanks. Our carnation flower is a beautiful way to say "thank you" or "congratulations" from the bottom of your heart. Each flower is carefully chosen to make sure it stays fresh and beautiful for a long time. They are perfect for flower delivery in Alfonso and all over Tanay City, Rizal, Philippines. Enjoy the beauty of roses in our expertly crafted flower arrangement, which is perfect for stylishly sharing your inner feelings. Place your order now to send a thoughtful message with our beautiful bunch of carnations.

Precious One

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*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Discover the spirit of Filipino flower art with our beautiful bouquet of 10 Purple Carnations. Each flower is carefully chosen to show how deeply the giver feels and to express a sense of beauty and earnestness.
Product Details: 
  • Flowers: 10 Purple Carnations
  • Wrapper: White, enhancing the vibrant hues of the carnations
  • Ribbon: Red with Maroon KW (Know-Why) detailing, symbolizing passion and warmth
  • Foliage: Delicately arranged Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosa, adding a touch of natural beauty and fragrance
This bouquet demonstrates the rich cultural customs and artistic skill of Filipino flower designs. It's a great way to show appreciation, celebrate a special event, or just make someone's day. Each part works together beautifully to create a stunning display that says a lot without words.

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