You can feel the beauty and happiness in every flower in the Timeless Beauty bouquet. This bouquet is both warm and elegant. It has a beautiful single sunflower wrapped in quality kraft paper and tied together with a bright red ribbon. With its soft rosal, calm misty blue flowers, and fragrant eucalyptus, this arrangement strikes the perfect balance between bright beauty and smooth charm.
Celebrate a special occasion or make someone's day with Timeless Beauty. It's a thoughtful gift that will mean a lot. This arrangement is perfect for Filipino customs and shows long-lasting feelings that will be remembered for a long time.
Why You’ll Love It:
1 radiant sunflower as the focal point
Wrapped in classic kraft paper for a natural, timeless look
Accented with rosal, misty blue flowers, and eucalyptus
Finished with a bold red ribbon for a pop of color
You can gift the Timeless Beauty bouquet or enjoy it yourself. It is a beautiful flower arrangement that will surely warm anyone's heart.