Our purple carnation flowers are a beautiful way to celebrate any event. This simple bunch of carnations add a bit of beauty and charm to any event, whether it's a birthday, a wedding, or something else. When you come to our flower shop, you can choose from a beautiful array of wedding bouquet carnations that are sure to amaze you. Our flower delivery service in Cardona, Rizal, is easy to use, and we offer free same-day delivery in Rizal. You can depend on PhilFlora for all of your flower needs in Abra, Philippines, and beyond. Our fresh, high-quality flowers and great service will help you remember special times. PhilFlora is the best flower-sending service out there right now.


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Make someone's day better with our beautiful bunch of 10 purple carnation flowers elegantly wrapped and decorated. This arrangement is lovely for any event, from birthdays to weddings, or just to let someone know you care. This bouquet will be remembered for a long time because it has bright flowers and elegant wrapping.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Purple Carnations
  • Wrapper: Blue/Silver
  • Ribbon: Blue with Blue/Silver KW
  • Filler Leaves (FL): Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, and Rosal
This bouquet is more than just flowers; it’s a statement of love, appreciation, and beauty. Order now to make someone's day unforgettable with our Elegant Purple Carnation Bouquet!

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