The beautiful Ariel Purple Carnation Bouquet is a great way to mark important events like weddings, parties, and more. These beautiful purple carnations have been carefully put together to make a stunning flower arrangement. This beautiful bouquet of carnations is a great way to show love and appreciation. We bring flowers to Teresa, Rizal, Philippines, on the same day for free, so your gift will get there on time and in good shape. Enjoy the ease of flower delivery with our dependable services, which are offered all over Rizal and Abra, Philippines. Pick our Purple Carnation Bouquet to make the event one that people will never forget. If you need flowers delivered in Teresa or anywhere else, you can count on our professional florists to bring smiles and happiness.


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Our Enchanting Purple Carnation Bouquet is the best way to make a lasting impact. This beautiful arrangement was carefully made to show how much you care and to make any event more enjoyable. It is perfect whether you are enjoying an important event or want to make someone's day better.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Purple Carnations
  • Wrapper: Maroon
  • Ribbon: Red with White KW
  • Filler Flowers: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
Appreciate the beauty of these bright purple carnations, carefully grouped with matching filler flowers to give them more depth and texture. The maroon wrapper brings out the richness of the bouquet, and the red ribbon with white KW adds class. This beautiful flower arrangement is a classic example of grace. It would make a lovely gift for someone special or a lovely addition to your home decor.

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