Purple carnation flowers from PhilFlora are a beautiful way to celebrate a birthday. Our bunches of carnations are a beautiful way to add a bit of class to any event. Each bunch of carnations is carefully put together to make it look beautiful and bring happiness. You can count on us to bring flowers to your loved ones in Binangonan, Rizal, Philippines, so they get their flowers fresh and bright. Our flower shop offers free same-day delivery, which is great for those last-minute gifts. If you want PhilFlora to send your carnations in Rizal, the service will be smooth. We promise the best flowers that will make any birthday memorable, whether it's a bunch of carnations or a mixed flower arrangement with carnations.


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Our beautiful purple carnation bouquet, carefully made to show grace and beauty, will make any event more special. Each carnation is carefully chosen for its bright color and full petals, ensuring a stunning appearance that will capture anyone who sees it.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Purple Carnations
  • Wrapper: Burlap PH, adding a rustic and charming touch
  • Ribbon: Misty Blue, providing a delicate contrast to the deep purple blooms
  • Accents: Fresh Eucalyptus & Rosal, enhancing the bouquet with a touch of greenery and fragrance
Whether you're celebrating a special occasion, expressing gratitude, or simply wanting to brighten someone's day, this bouquet is the perfect choice. The combination of rich purple carnations, earthy burlap, and soothing misty blue ribbon creates a harmonious blend of beauty and sophistication.
Make every moment memorable with this timeless arrangement, crafted to leave a lasting impression.

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