Bowl of Emotions | Send Mix Bouque from #1 Florist 

Feel beautiful and emotional at the same time with our "Bowl of Emotions" bouquet, which is from the best flower in Agoncillo City. There are orange gerberas, red carnations, purple mums, and Malaysian mums in this beautiful bunch of flowers. Together, they make a stunning visual feast that says a lot. This mixed bouquet is perfect for any event. Whether you're enjoying a wedding with bridal flowers or just making someone's day, it will be remembered. Our mixed flowers are carefully put together to make a beautiful and fresh display. You can easily send flower gifts to Agoncillo City, Batangas, and this bunch of flowers will show how you feel beautifully. Pick "Bowl of Emotions" for a stunning bouquet.

Bowl of Emotions

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₱2399.00 ( $ 46.54 )

₱ 1799.00 ( $ 34.90 )


Shipping Charge

₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Get better at giving gifts with the "Bowl of Emotions," a beautiful bouquet that combines thoughtful flowers with bright colors. A fascinating mix of bright orange gerberas, bold red carnations, and elegant purple mums makes this Filipino-inspired arrangement look stunning and is sure to please.
  • 5 Orange Gerberas
  • 4 Red Carnations
  • Purple Mums
  • Wrapped in Black/Gold
  • Ribboned in Gold
  • Finished with Rosal Flowers
The "Bowl of Emotions" is more than just a flower; it's a meaningful way to say how you feel. It's perfect for any special event. Its bright colors and classy design make it a great way to show how you really feel stylishly and elegantly.

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