Holland Triple Tulip | Philflora's Finest Flower Bouquet

This Holland Triple Tulip bouquet from Philflora will make any event more beautiful. It features the soft beauty of Holland's best yellow tulips. This bouquet is filled with sunshine and happiness, making it great for birthdays, anniversaries, or any other time you want to bring joy to your life. Our bright yellow flowers have always shown friendliness, happiness, and hope. They are the perfect way to show your thanks or send a message from the heart. You're giving more than just flowers with this yellow tulip bunch; you're giving a bright memory.
This tulip flower bunch is a great way to surprise someone you care about or give a thoughtful gift on a special occasion. This design is one of the best ways to get tulips in the Philippines, and it looks great in any home. With the Holland Triple Tulip, you can enjoy the joy of tulips in Silang City. For a lasting impact, choose from Philflora's best collection.

Holland Triple Tulip

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₱2199.00 ( $ 42.66 )

1699.00 ( $ 32.96 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )



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Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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The bright Holland Triple Tulip bouquet will make people feel good and strong. This arrangement is great for making someone feel better because yellow tulips are a sign of hope and happiness. Beautiful Filipino designers made the bouquet by hand. It has six bright yellow tulips, fresh greenery, and misty blue fillers that go well with them. This bouquet is elegant and thoughtful, perfect for showing support. It comes in a clean white Korean wrapper and is tied with our signature ribbon.
  • 6 bright yellow tulips for hope and positivity
  • Eucalyptus and misty blue fillers for added freshness
  • Wrapped in white Korean paper for a refined look
  • Tied with a signature ribbon for an elegant finish
Let Holland Triple Tulip be your message of hope and strength to someone special.

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