The Lavish Mix Bouq will add a touch of class to any Filipino party. There are white Stargazer lilies, white roses, and white flowers in this beautiful bouquet. Each one adds its own touch of elegance. With the addition of bright green mums, the arrangement is meant to be both beautiful and classy.
Flower Composition: 1 stem White Stargazer, 6 White Roses, 3 White Carnations, Green Mums
Wrapping: Burlap CH
Ribbon: Red
Finishing Touches: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, Rosal
You can add a bit of luxury and cultural flair to special events with the Lavish Mix Bouq. It has classic white flowers with rich colors of Misty Blue and Eucalyptus that come together to make a bouquet that is both classic and festive. This bouquet is perfect for Filipino customs and is sure to make any event special.