Our beautiful Long-Stem Gerbera bouquet will make someone's day better. Our professional designer put this arrangement together by hand. It has 15 bright gerberas and some soft, dreamy blue fillers. It's beautifully packed and ready to make a lasting impact. It's perfect for any event.
Hand-Arranged: Crafted with care by our skilled florist.
15 Stems of Gerberas: Featuring a vibrant mix of colors to brighten any room.
Misty Blue Fillers: Adds a touch of sophistication.
Compact Size: 16.51 cm x 16.51 cm x 11.43 cm.
Versatile Gift: Ideal for birthdays, celebrations, or just because.
This Long-Stem Gerbera bouquet is more than just a bunch of flowers; it's a thoughtful gift that makes people happy. With its bright colors and classy presentation, this flower is sure to please, whether you're honoring a significant event or want to make someone smile.