Mix Scent Bouquet | Buy Flower Bouquet

Our Mix Scent Bouquet is the perfect way to find the right balance of beauty and scent for any event. An exquisite mix of pink stargazers, pink carnations, pink roses, and pink gerberas make this arrangement both beautiful to look at and delightful to smell. This bouquet is sure to impress whether you're marking a special occasion, looking for wedding flowers, or just wanting to show how much you care. Our carefully put-together mixed flower arrangements add a bright touch to your gift. You can send a bunch of flowers that will make someone's day with ease because the flower bouquet service is reliable in Caloocan City and all over Metro Manila. Our flower delivery Metro Manila service will make sure your gift gets there fresh and on time, whether it's for a wedding or a personal message. Just place your order now, and the Mix Scent Bouquet will leave a powerful impact.

Mix Scent Bouquet

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₱5500.00 ( $ 106.69 )

3399.00 ( $ 65.93 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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This beautifully designed arrangement was made with Filipino tastes in mind to make your flower gifts more special. The elegance of pink stargazers is mixed with a symphony of pink roses, gerberas, and carnations in this beautiful bouquet, making a perfect mix of beauty and style. This arrangement is both classic and modern. It comes in a cute paper envelope and is filled with bright, misty blue flowers, eucalyptus, and rosal.
  • 1 Stem Pink Stargazer: Adds a touch of luxury and exotic beauty to the bouquet.
  • 6 Pink Roses: Symbolize admiration and appreciation, perfect for conveying heartfelt messages.
  • 3 Pink Gerberas: Bring a cheerful and playful touch, embodying innocence and joy.
  • 3 Pink Carnations: Add a classic element of grace and refinement.
  • Kraft Wrapping: Provides a rustic yet stylish finish, enhancing the bouquet’s overall appeal.
  • Adornments: Misty blue flowers, eucalyptus, and rosal add a refreshing and aromatic touch.
This beautiful flower arrangement is a great way to celebrate important events or say how you really feel in a way that fits with Filipino culture. People love it for birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events because of its thoughtful design and bright colors. It's a mix of tradition and modern luxury.

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