Our "Pretty Blossoms" bunch has the beauty of a pink carnations bouquet and can be sent to Tanay City, Rizal. Our bunches of flowers are the best ones you can find locally, and they make great birthday gifts or just nice gestures. Each bunch is carefully put together to show off the beauty of these well-liked flowers, which are known for having soft petals that stay fresh for a long time. Your order will be delivered free the same day to Taytay and anywhere else in Rizal if you use our reliable online flower shop. Our bunches of carnations are sure to please with their beauty and bright colors, whether you're enjoying a special event or just saying thank you. If you order flowers online, they will be sent quickly anywhere in the Philippines.

Pretty Blossoms

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₱1899.00 ( $ 36.84 )

1499.00 ( $ 29.08 )


Shipping Charge

₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Enjoy the beauty of our bunch of 10 fuchsia pink carnations, which are great for any event. Each flower is carefully chosen for its bright color and freshness, resulting in a stunning show that exudes happiness and sincerity.
Product Details:
  • Flowers: 10 Fuchsia Pink Carnations
  • Wrapper: White
  • Ribbon: Gold with Black/Gold KW
  • Floral Accent: Misty Blue & Rosal
Our bouquet has the warmth of pink flowers and a classy display that reflects Filipino customs of grace and respect. It can be used to show thanks, celebrate a milestone, or say sorry from the bottom of your heart. This is the perfect way to show thanks or send your feelings with style and grace.

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