Introducing the beautiful 10 Red Carnations Bouquet, which stands for love, respect, and sincere apologies. This bouquet was made with great care by skilled designers in the heart of the Philippines. It's the best way to show how you really feel. That's why this bouquet will stand out, whether you're saying "I'm sorry" or celebrating a big event.
Product Details:
Flowers: 10 vibrant red carnations, symbolizing deep love and admiration.
Wrapper: Stylish and eco-friendly kraft paper, enhancing the natural beauty of the flowers.
Ribbon: Elegant red ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication and grace.
Filler Flowers (FL): Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
This bouquet is a true example of the skill and dedication of the Filipino flower business. It's perfect for any event. Place your order now and let the people you care about know how kind and sincere you are.