The pretty Lira flower bouquet will make someone's day better. This bouquet is wrapped in rustic burlap and has many beautiful sunflowers. Misty blue, rosale, and eucalyptus flowers add a touch of elegance. It's perfect for any event and reminds you of how beautiful nature is.
12 radiant sunflowers
Wrapped in Burlap PH for a rustic touch
Accented with Misty Blue, Rosal, and Eucalyptus flowers
Ribboned in red for a striking contrast
Available for delivery by PhilFlora
This bright bunch of sunflowers is an excellent gift that will make someone's day better. Sunflowers' natural beauty, stylish wrapping, and other flowers give this bouquet a classic look that will never go out of style. It's great for parties or to send a message of happiness and cheer.