Mix Love Bouquet | Buy Bouquet of Mixed Flowers

Send our Mix Love Bouquet gift, a beautiful mix of flowers made just for that special occasion, to show your love and appreciation. This colorful arrangement has the elegance of red roses, the bright charm of orange gerberas, and the gentle beauty of white mums. It would be great as an anniversary flower bouquet or a thank you flower bouquet. The beautiful pink stargazer lilies add a touch of class, which makes them a great choice for mixed flower designs. This bunch of mixed flowers is a great choice for any event, whether you want to show deep love or warm thanks. You can trust us to send flower bouquets to Pasig City, Metro Manila, and you can share the happiness of these lovely mixed bouquets with your loved ones. Place your order now to receive a bunch of flowers that includes red roses, carnations, stargazer lilies, gerbera daisies, and other flowers that have been carefully put together.

Mix Love Bouquet

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₱3299.00 ( $ 63.99 )

2449.00 ( $ 47.51 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

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*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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This lovely flower arrangement is the epitome of grace and is perfect for showing love, respect, or congratulations from the bottom of your heart. The bouquet has the soft beauty of a pink stargazer lily, the classic beauty of six red roses, the lively energy of three orange gerberas, and the peaceful beauty of white mums. This beautiful set comes in a sophisticated mix of purple and gold wrapping, and the pink ribbon is decorated with purple and gold keywork, giving it a high-end look. With its dreamy blue, eucalyptus, and rosal leaves, this flower is a lovely way to leave a memorable impression.
  • Flowers Included: Pink Stargazer Lily, Red Roses, Orange Gerberas, White Mums
  • Wrapping: Purple and Gold
  • Ribbon: Pink with Purple and Gold Key Work
  • Foliage: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus, Rosal
If you want to send a message of class and comfort, this bunch is the best pick. The Elegant Radiance Bouquet will make a memorable impact, whether you're enjoying a special event or just making someone's day better.

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