Simply United: A Perfect Blend of Beauty and Elegance

Elevate the occasion with our "Simply United" bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of red roses and sunflowers that exudes beauty and happiness. Combining the beauty of red rose bouquets and the cheeriness of sunflower bouquets, this flower arrangement is great for any congratulatory event. This mixed flower arrangement will make someone's day, whether you're giving it to celebrate a milestone, say "congratulations," or make someone's day better. This bunch of mixed flowers is perfect for flower delivery in Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila. It stands for unity and deep feelings. Send this beautiful flower arrangement with red roses and sunflowers to wish someone a happy birthday today. Send your loved ones in the Philippines beautiful mixed flowers that were hand-made with care.

Simply United

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₱5500.00 ( $ 106.69 )

3199.00 ( $ 62.06 )


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₱ 199.00( $ 3.86 )

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Metro Manila

*Enjoy 5.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱5000.00 ( $ 96.99 )

*Enjoy 10.00% free shipping with minimum purchase of ₱10000.00 ( $ 193.98 )

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Say hello to "Simply United," a beautiful mix flower bouquet that blends the timeless beauty of red roses with the lively energy of sunflowers. This bouquet is a beautiful example of unity because it shows how different things can work together as one to make something truly beautiful. If you want to celebrate an important event or make someone's day, "Simply United" is the perfect song.
  • Flowers: 3 Sunflowers, 12 Red Roses
  • Wrapping: Black/Gold
  • Ribbon: Red
  • Filler Flowers: Misty Blue, Eucalyptus & Rosal
"Simply United," a bouquet that's perfect for gift-giving, will make your experience better. This set is great for people who like the beauty of different things working together in balance. Take the chance to leave a memorable impact with this beautiful gift, made just for your loved ones in the Philippines.

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